Sponsorship Opportunities:

To mark the 30 years of precise satellite altimetry the European Space Agency, in collaboration with the French Space Agency (CNES) is organizing an exceptional Symposium on "30 years of Progress in Radar Altimetry". This event will be sponsored by partner agencies and organisations supporting the development of altimetry. 

Along with this symposium, related side events will take place in the same week, which includes the International DORIS Service (IDS) Workshop. The Symposium encompassing these events will be held on Monday 2 to Saturday 7 of September 2024, in Montpellier, France. The Saturday will be devoted to a training on Fully-Focused SAR processing and SWOT measurement principle and processing algorithms covering inland water, oceanography and the cryosphere.

We are now receiving a large number of solicitations for financial support for the attendance to the Symposium, therefore, we would like to invite you to become involved in the sponsorship of the event and support these young scientists, as well as to actively participate in the Symposium. For this purpose below are some suggestions and considerations.

Currently ESA, CNES and EUMETSAT are sponsoring the event and we are soliciting many other organisations worldwide that have traditionally supported Altimetry. We would be pleased if your organisation would help sponsor the event, considering your leading role in supporting scientific research. This could take the form of providing travel grants for students or scientists from eastern or southern countries 

In addition, it would be also very useful if people working in your Organisation would be encouraged to attend and participate in the presentations and debates which will be organised in the Symposium.

For more than 30 years, altimetry from space has demonstrated its unique contribution in many scientific domains, including oceanography, hydrology, geodesy, the cryosphere, marine meteorology, and in modeling and data assimilation of Earth processes. This event will be an exceptional opportunity to review the major results in these various fields, to discuss the outcomes of the exploitation of the current missions' data and to prepare the future of altimetry and consolidate requirements. The combination of the symposium and its related events, including a training day,  will foster dialogue among the wide community involved in altimetry: engineers, scientists, programme and project managers, and obviously many end-users.

We need your help to encourage a new generation of scientists. Trusting that you will accept to support this event, we remain at your disposal for any further information.


Jérôme Benveniste and Pascal Bonnefond 

30 Years of Progress in Radar Altimetry Symposium Organising Committee Co-Chairs

For inquiries, please contact  events.organisation@esa.int  with "30YPRA Sponsorship Request" as subject. 

Our sponsors